
Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis

    Tilto namų radio festival

    Event Date: 2020 Nov 15
    Event Time: 09:00 - 23:45
    Wherever you go on Sunday November 15th, take Tilto namų radio festival along with you! For more than 10 hours Palanga Street Radio ( will host live concerts from 10 most noted names in Lithuanian indie scene. The one-day festival takes place where you are!
    Before, after and between live concerts of the festival from 9AM to midnight we will play auteur music from well-known musicians to bedroom singers. It’s your time to shine. Hope to find undiscovered Lithuanian songwriters and music composers based in Lithuania. Share your music here:
    The festival takes place here:
    Line up:
    Flash Voyage
    Kamanių šilelis
    Planeta Polar
    Solo Ansamblis
    Vilniaus energija
    The festival is supported by the Lithuanian Culture Council and Vilnius City Municipality
    Thanks to the partner of the festival – Kirtimų Kultūros centras