
Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis

The Lithuanian premiere of “Crestone” (dir. Marnie Ellen Hertzler, 2020) will be held at Kirtimai Cultural Center yard on July 23rd 9 p.m. The film will be presented by Vitalijus Vaiper, a producer, performer and an active member of underground and hiphop music scene. In a world

The cycle of documentary film screenings “Common People” initiated by Kaunas Artists' House (KAH) and the platform "Kitas Kinas" is back for the new season. This year, as we continue the exchange programme between Kaunas Artists’ House and Kirtimai Cultural Centre, we will invite you to

GUMA is the platform for creative movement workshops. Four dancers, interdisciplinary artists will share their methods of movement research and distinctive principles of creation. We are inviting dancers, dance amateurs, actors, performers, musicians, and other creators who use or want to apply movement expression in their